Your journey to learn how to use the Arduino as a Maker has started.
I want this journey to be the best it can possibly be for you.
So have have an offer:
Arduino Step by Step Getting Started
The Electronics Workbench: A Setup Guide
The Arduino opens up a whole world of learning and making opportunities. With Arduino Step by Step Getting Started, you will learn about electronics, and programming, and experience amazing applications that range from a spinning motors and blinking LEDs to the Internet of Things.
But all this happens at your electronics workbench. That is your place of learning and creation, and setting it up properly is one of the challenges of people new to the Arduino.
In The Electronics Workbench: a Setup Guide, I show you how I have setup my own electronics workbench. Nothing fancy, just the essential tools that make me productive and happy as I work with electronics.
Get The Electronics Workbench: a Setup Guide for free, with your purchase of Arduino Step by Step Getting Started.
Great overview of workbench. There is something for everyone: from beginners to advanced makers. Peter Dalmaris is a great instructor.
Marcelo Niedbalski
The Electronics Workbench: A Setup Guide
This is the essential course bundle for the beginner.
With this bundle, you will start with a blinking LED and learn how to use sensors and displays, create working circuits, and write the software to make all this work.
At the same time, you will create your electronics maker infrastructure (your electronics workbench), and you’ll be set for much more electronics awesomeness!
Halfway through the course, and starting to get into the actual circuitry. I love how Peter spent the first few sections giving a wholistic overview to the Arduino board(s) and the Arduino IDE, as it not only sets you up for this course but exposes you to the possibilities using Arduino further down the line with more experience. He leaves great challenges at the end of some of his lectures for you to tinker with and answers questions in a timely manner. Great course!
Daniel Ding
Arduino Step by Step Getting Started

What's in this offer:
Arduino Step by Step Getting Started
In making this course, I emphasized the importance of getting the basics right and learning to mastery.
In ASbS: Getting Started, I make sure that in the more than 15 hours of video content, mini projects and quizzes, we cover all the basics so that you can enjoy learning about the Arduino.
By the end of the course, you will have a good understanding of the capabilities of the Arduino Uno, the best Arduino for people getting started, and you will be familiar with the capabilities of several of its cousins.
Here’s what’s in the course:
What is this course about?
The Electronics Workbench: A Setup Guide
This course will help you setup your own electronics workbench.
This workbench you learn electronics, and create your gadgets. It is a dedicated place where you keep your tools and components.
A properly organised workbench will make your learning more enjoyable, and your making more effective.
In this course, I will discuss the basic features of an amateur electronics lab by showing you how I have organised mine.
Here’s what’s in the course:
What is this course about?
Limited one-time offer
Arduino Step by Step Getting Started
The Electronics Workbench: A Setup Guide
for the price of a single course

The course instructor is Peter Dalmaris, PhD.
Peter has created over 20 other courses on technology education.
He is the author of Maker Education Revolution, a book on how making is changing the way we learn and teach.
He is also the host of Stemiverse, a podcast in which he discusses education and STEM with the shakers and movers of technology and science education from around the world.
Nice overview of the tools and explanation of their applications. For a beginner who has never used tools before or a novice that would like e refresher, great resource.
Chris Bolte
The Electronics Workbench: A Setup Guide
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