Maker Mind Meld
Virtual Summit

Here's what you are getting
You will get lifetime access to 22 in-depth expert video sessions (30+ hours) with world-class Makers experts, including Gil Poznanski, Norman Pirollo, Jon Evans, Dr Karsten Schulz, Benoît Blanchon, John Teel and more.
Watch each masterclass from the comfort of your own home and learn about their tools, techniques, and thinking processes so that you can become the best maker you can be, at your own pace.
Want to learn on the go?
We took each of the 22 expert video sessions, and turned them into audio versions in downloadable MP3 format for your convenience (30+ hours of actionable and practical training), so you can download them on your phone, iPod, iPad or computer and listen to them whenever you want – on your commute, in the car, at the gym, on the go — anytime, anywhere. With this resource, you’ve got no excuses to miss out on valuable content.
Want to learn on the go?
Want to get to the KEY LEARNINGS and LEARNING RESOURCES without watching 30+ hours of expert sessions? Or to use it as a complement as you're watching the sessions?
No problem.
With 60+ pages of Maker Mind Meld Session Notes summarizing the most important key learnings and resources, from our world-class expert sessions, you'll be implementing the content in no time.
List of presentations
Day 1
Mark Wilson – How to make FlipClock
Zafar Iqbal - Making a Turing Machine
João Alves - Why I Created CSEduino
Geoffrey Benton - Makers: Exploring New Technology
Day 2
Gil Poznanski – The importance of making
Jorge de Sousa Pires - Time travel in a chase for context!
Day 3
Jon Evans – How to contribute to an Open Source project
John Teel - 15 Steps to Develop Your New Electronic Hardware Product
Simon Gao - The Manufacturing Process of a Printed Circuit Board
Day 4
Simon Monk - micro:bit for Makers
Karsten Schulz - Making a Computer Processor with the B4 Kit
Richard Kolk - Tracking System Design for a Robot Car using Altair Embed
Jason Long - From Hobby to Pro in Electronics and Embedded Development
Benoît Blanchon - Serialization and JSON
Jordan Christman - Getting Started with FPGAs
Day 5
Kieran Nolan - Education 3.0 & Open Source Learning Space Design
Richard Park - Teaching Tools for an Emerging IoT Class
Day 6
Dal Gemmell - Telcos aren’t the future. You are.
Alain Pannetrat - Building a Wired IoT Platform for Makers
Marco Schwartz - How to Easily Control Projects from Anywhere in the World with aREST
Day 7
Norman Pirollo – How to make a Kumiko panel
Vladimir Mariano - From Design to 3D Printed Part with Fusion 360
Why watch this summit?
Hi, I'm Peter, the host of this Virtual Summit.
Throughout my journey in electronics, programming and making, I’ve been fortunate to learn from some of the best technologists, professional and amateurs.
I truly believe that the Speakers in this virtual Maker Mind Meld they will change the way you think and create things too.
These world-class makers have demonstrated again and again their skills through the things that they make. They share their best advice, and strategies to help you become a better maker.
And they are ready to help you move forward on your journey in using technology to create things and solve problems. If you are a maker, then you need to listen to what they have to say.
Let our experts guide you, step-by-step. They will give you the advice and tools you need to create amazing things.
When I finally decided that I wanted to be the best Maker and Educator I possibly can, I was able to go from consumer of other people's ideas to being a creator.
Being a creator is something that really, very few people experience. And it's a shame. It's a huge loss for them, for their families and friends, and for the whole world.
Being a creator gave me a path to grow as an individual, and to help others do the same.
Being a creator changed my life.
I want to help you become a creator of things, and a creator of knowledge. This is why I created this Summit.
Many of the Speakers in this Summit have helped me in the pursue my goal, and in answering my "why".
If your goal is to be the best Maker you can possibly be, it's safe to say that the Maker Mind Meld Summit deserves your time, effort and complete focus.

MEET YOUR HOST, Dr Peter Dalmaris
Hi, I’m Peter.
I am an online educator and Maker, author of Maker Education Revolution, KiCad Like a Pro, and founder at Tech Explorations.
My mission is to help people learn electronics, programming, printed circuit board design, and lots more.
Most importantly, I want to help as many people as possible to enjoy their technology education adventures.
After a 15 year career as a University Lecturer, I decided to become a Maker, again. Like most of us, as a child, I was curious, and I learned how things worked by experimenting with them (usually, this meant taking them apart and hoping to not loose any screws as I was putting things back together).
Growing up, I became an Engineer, only to loose my childish curiosity in the name of pursuing a career.
I became a child again once I got my first Arduino. With it, I started creating thing, tinkering with components, testing ideas. Even though I was a "career educator", it was only now that I realised how wrong my last 15 years of education had been. I was partly responsible for destroying the creativity of thousands of students, just like mine had been destroyed in the pursue of grades.
At Tech Explorations, my job is to learn and to create. I learn what I am curious about, and I create educational content. This content is the record of my learning.
We are all learners, and we learn from each other.
I sincerely hope that through the content I create at Tech Explorations, as many people as possible will be inspired to re-kindle their childhood curiosity, learn, and create amazing things.
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