Here’s What You Get By Upgrading Right Now:
Get Lifetime Access To All Maker Mind Meld World-Class Sessions and Masterclasses Plus $1,719 in Exclusive Bonuses.
Maker Mind Meld Full Access Pass Is The #1 Online Resource Where Some Of The World's Best Makers Teach You How They Make Magic
Throughout my journey in electronics, programming and making, I’ve been honored to learn from some of the best technologists, professional and amateurs. Either directly, or from their books or videos, they have had an incredible impact on the way I do things.
I truly believe that the Speakers of the first online Maker Mind Meld they will change the way you think and create things too.
These world-class makers have demonstrated again and again their skills through the things that they make. They share their best advice, and strategies to help you become a better maker.
And they are ready to help you move forward on your journey in using technology to create things and solve problems. If you are a maker, then you need to listen to what they have to say.
Let our experts guide you, step-by-step. They will give you the advice and tools you need to create amazing things.

What If I Can’t Make It To All Expert Masterclass Sessions At Once?

We're all busy. I totally get that!
Learning from a single expert (let alone 22) takes time and effort if you want to achieve great results.
And rushing your way through 30+ hours of video content plus many pages of reference and supplemental materials is going to be challenging for most of us, to say the least.
But with the Maker Mind Meld Full Access Pass, it's like having the best Makers guiding you every step of the way as you're learning about their strategies, favourite tools, techniques, and thinking processes, no matter where you're starting right now.
You can watch and study these powerful and actionable world-class expert sessions more in-depth, one at a time, at anytime, from anywhere!
So if you're really serious about being the best maker you can possibly be, and creating magic with your mind and your hands...
If you want to save time and effort on experimentation and do WHAT WORKS for some of the best Makers, TODAY...
If you want access to $1,000's in exclusive limited time bonuses and special deals (more about that later on this page)...
Then the Maker Mind Meld All Access Pass is for you.
It's a complete no-brainer for most of our 10,000's of attendees to upgrade to the Full Access Pass so they can get lifetime access to these game changing strategies and exclusive bonuses.
Altogether — we’re talking about $1,719 in World-Class Expert Masterclass Sessions And Exclusive Limited Time Bonuses When You Upgrade To the All Access Pass Today:
So Why Should You Make It Your #1 Focus To become the best Maker you possible can be?
When I finally made being the best Maker and Educator I possibly can my #1 focus and priority, I was able to go from consumer of other people's ideas to being a creator in a very short time…
Being a creator is something that really, very few people experience. And it's a shame. It's a huge loss for them, for their families and friends, and for the whole world.
Being a creator gave me a path to grow as an individual, and to help others do the same.
The transformation from consumer of other people's ideas into a creator of things and knowledge truly changed my life. It helped me get on a totally new path in my life, to live a fulfilling life that was impossible had this transformation not taken place.
Yes, I am still talking about the power of Making.
Striving to be the best Maker and Educator I can possibly can is my #1 Focus.
But this is simply my "why".
What is yours?
Many of the Speakers in this Summit have helped me in the pursue my goal, and in answering my "why".
If your goal is to be the best Maker you can possibly be, it's safe to say that the Maker Mind Meld Summit deserves your time, effort and complete focus.
When You Upgrade To Maker Mind Meld Full Access Pass During This Special Limited Time Period, You’ll Get:

($495 Value)
You will get lifetime access to 22 in-depth expert video sessions (30+ hours) with world-class Makers experts, including Gil Poznanski, Norman Pirollo, Jon Evans, Dr Karsten Schulz, Benoît Blanchon, Jimmy Diresta, John Teel and more. Watch each masterclass from the comfort of your own home and learn about their tools, techniques, and thinking processes so that you can become the best maker you can be, at your own pace.

($49 Value)
Want to learn on the go? We took each of the 22 expert video sessions, and turned them into audio versions in downloadable MP3 format for your convenience (30+ hours of actionable and practical training), so you can download them on your phone, iPod, iPad or computer and listen to them whenever you want – on your commute, in the car, at the gym, on the go — anytime, anywhere. With this resource, you’ve got no excuses to miss out on valuable content.

($49 Value)
Want to get to the KEY LEARNINGS and LEARNING RESOURCES without watching 30+ hours of expert sessions? Or to use it as a complement as you're watching the sessions?
No problem. With 60+ pages of Maker Mind Meld Session Notes summarizing the most important key learnings and resources, from our world-class expert sessions, you'll be implementing the content in no time.
($199 Value)
A post-event Q&A together with your host, Dr Peter Dalmaris and many of the Summit Speakers. Ask any questions you have about the expert sessions, Making or Education. The session will highlight the key focus points from each expert session with actionable tips on how you can implement them.

($299+ Value)
You know you need to implement your projects… our sponsors and partners can help you get the tools and resources to get started.
I partnered up with some of my favorite companies, and they decided to offer people who upgrade to the Maker Mind Meld Full Access Pass, special deals & discounts you can’t find anywhere else.
Here’s a list of some of the tools and services that are included:
TOTAL VALUE = $1,719
Get Access To Over 22 World-Class Expert Masterclass Sessions Plus $1,795 In Exclusive Bonuses…

The World-Class Makers You’ll Soon Be Learning From With The Maker Mind Meld Full Access Pass
22 Expert Masterclass Presentations
Module 1: Project walkthroughs

Zafar Iqbal
Zafar's areas of expertise include cyber-physical hardware and software systems with an emphasis on robust, modular, secure and scalable software components, phygital experiences, image and video processing, internet applications and content management systems.
In his presentation, Zafar will show us how he made his interpretation of a Turing Machine based on an Arduino.

Mark Wilson
Mark Wilson is a Software Engineer with a passion for electronics.
He created an Arduino version of the classic "Flip clock." In place of motors and gears and split flaps, he created a plausible-looking rendering of a device on a 480x320 pixel LCD shield. Flip Clock is a clock, powered by an Arduino Uno, and a color LCD screen. The quality of the animation that Mark achieved is amazing, considering the hardware limitations that he had to deal with. Mark will show you how he did it.

João Alves
João Alves, Senior IT Specialist and Maker, decided to create his own Arduino because what was available in the market did not match his needs.
In this presentation, João talks about his CSEduino board, why, and how he developed it. His work is featured in the KiCad website as one of the highlighted example projects. This is a must-watch session in which you will learn what (and how) non-professional designers can achieve using modern CAD design tools and a reasonable amount of work and patience.

Geoffrey Benton
Geoffrey Benton is a Maker since he was 10 yo, blue collar worker, tool maker, maintenance fitter and metal machinist.
In his presentation, Jeffrey will show us how he used a laser cutter machine and a 3D printer to construct a model tower crane. This is an amazing example of what is possible to do with modern entry-level equipment and technologies.
Module 2: The Why of Making

Gil Poznanski
Gil Poznanski, Creative Technologist, Maker, Teacher, explains that Making is more than just creating; it is about human learning in its purest form.
Through a series of stories inspired and results from things he has made, Gil explains why Making is not only a great way to learn new skills but is also interwoven with what it means to be a person and a member of a tribe, adding to a new global creative possibility.

Jorge de Sousa Pires
Jorge is a Senior University Lecturer and Ass. Prof of Semiconductor Physics, with decades of experience in Academia, and Industry. He's been making Tech-magic and Art since he was 10, and never stopped learning and teaching. In his presentation, Jorge will take you on a journey through a continuously changing technology landscape with an intense wish to develop Society and himself. It is a practical presentation in which Jorge will show you various gadgets and components, from the '60s to today, from electronics tubes to drones.
Jorge will help you find the How and Why we have come such a long way in the development of Society (hint: it's all about Making).
Module 3: The How of Making

Jon Evans
Jon Evans, a member of the KiCad lead developer team and electrical engineer, will show you how open-source projects work, how you can become a contributor to one, and list best practices for starting your own open source project.
Jon's insider knowledge of how open-source projects work, make him the perfect Speaker to talk about it.

John Teel
John Teel is an electronics design engineer, serial entrepreneur, blogger, and the founder of Predictable Designs. As a former senior design engineer at Texas Instruments, he designed dozens of successful microchips that are now found in all kinds of popular electronic devices including some from Apple and Intel. He knows a thing or two about taking a design to market. In his Masterclass, John will take you through the steps that every successful electronic product must go through. Don't start your hardware startup before you watch this Masterclass!

Simon Gao
Simon Gao is a Customer Experience Manager with PCBWay, where they manufacture thousands of PCBs each week. He will show you each of the 14 distinct steps needed to make your boards. Knowing how PCBs are actually made in the factory will give you a deeper insight into the process which you can use to design PCBs that are easier, cheaper, and better to manufacture.
Module 4: Tech you should know about

Dr Simon Monk
Simon Monk is a veteran Engineer, Maker and Author that invites you to take a close look at the BBC micro:bit. This device is a favourite in Education, but also packs a lot of power, ease of use and versatility that Makers will surely appreciate. In his Masterclass, Simon will show you how to program the micro:bit using Python and MakeCode, and make use of its build-in sensors, display and radio hardware.

Dr Karsten Schulz
Dr Karsten Schulz, Principal Engineer at Digital Technologies Institute, will describe the critical components of a computer processor, and demonstrate how to build a simple microprocessor through a series of live experiments.

Richard Kolk
Richard Kolk is a Chief Technical Specialist at Altair. He used model-based design methodologies to build automatic control systems at Boeing, and now at Altair. With model-based design, Richard models system dynamics to develop control systems for critical systems in automotive and aerospace. He will show you how to use it to develop two tracking control systems for a simple wheeled robot.

Jason Long
Jason Long is an Electrical Engineer, and has designed and worked with products ranging from GPS tracking devices to military communications systems. His passion is designing embedded systems, particularly based around the ARM Cortex-M processor, and in this session he will show you how it's done.

Benoît Blanchon
Benoît Blanchon is a software craftsman and author that has written one of the most popular Arduino library, and the #1 JSON library for the Arduino. Thanks to his contributions, our gadgets can talk to the Cloud and each other with speed and efficiency, and without having to use any cryptic and scary C++ code. Benoît will show you how to use JSON in your sketches, and even demonstrate programming practices that will make you a better programmer.

Jordan Christman
Jordan is a graduate from the University of Dayton with his Bachelor's degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering Technology. He also graduated from UD with his Master's degree in Electrical Engineering.
He has strong knowledge in FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) development, Digital Electronics, Circuit Board design, and VHDL design and modeling of hardware systems.
Module 5: Maker Education

Kieran Nolan
Kieran Nolan is an education technologist at Wooranna Park Primary School, and together with the students of the school, he is creating the future of Education. As part of getting ready to rock in a technological future of abundance, Kieran and his students develop VR games, custom computers, their own cryptocurrency, maintain nodes for various blockchains, design their own games, co-decide on hardware and software for the school's STEAM center, and more. Hold on to your hat, because Kieran is going to transport us to the future of Education!

Prof Richard Park
Professor Richard Park is a Maker and Educator, and in this presentation he unwraps his process of designing and creating an Internet of Things class for his students. To do this, he builds from his experience at Apple, Texas Instruments, IBM and CISCO; an experience that gives him a unique vantage point of where IoT came from and where it's going. Attend Richards presentation to learn how he develops his teaching technology based on the Raspberry Pi and open-source platforms and programming languages to build a multi-faceted and immersive learning experience.
Module 6: Internet of Things

Dal Gemmell
Dal Gemmel is doing whatever is necessary to bring us IoT 2.0: the next generation of network infrastructure specifically designed for the Internet of Things. Dal will show you how to connect any IoT device to this new kind of peer-to-peer wireless network in which participants have part-ownership. This network is open, decentralized, powered by blockchain technology and owned by individuals like you and me (not the Telcos). As billions of devices are expected to go online, this innovation is key to a free and sustainable Internet of Things. Get ready for the future that is coming, watch Dal's Masterclass!

Alain Pannetrat, PhD
Alain Pannetrat wanted to create a security system for his home, and automate his garden. So, he designed and build a technology to do that. But he did not stop there. He commercialised this technology so that you do that too. And much more. All based on a simple concept that, sometime, wired solutions are better than wireless. He created noCAN, in which a single cable provides power and data to dozens of Arduino nodes, controlled by a Raspberry Pi. This is a particularly good option for cases that radio communications are not up to the task. In this Masterclass, Alain will show you how to use it.

Marco Schwartz
Marco Schwartz, is an entrepreneur & electrical engineer. He is passionate about the Internet of Things so much that he created a super-easy way to control your Arduinos, ESP8266/ESP32 and Raspberry Pi's from anywhere in the world, with your browser. You can get your devices on the Cloud and do something useful with it within minutes, using the aREST library and open-sourced Cloud service. In this Mastermind, Marco, the creator of aREST, will show you how to do that.
Module 7: Making with plastic and wood

Norman Pirollo
Norman Pirollo is a Furniture Designer and Maker, who has an unusual story: he chose to work with wood, instead of electrons. After a long career in the high-tech industry, he became an artisan, and begun to create unique, contemporary styled furniture. His presentation is a true Masterclass in which he will show you how to create a Japanese Kumiko panel using simple tools and raw materials. This is a kind of Making that most of us are not used too, and guarantees to leave you with a sense of Zen.

Vladimir Mariano
Vladimir Mariano is a 3D design and printing instructor, specializing in teaching 3D printing, 3D design, electronics, programming, and using Fusion 360. 3D design and printing are already core skills for any Maker, and Vladimir will show you how easy it is to get started and create something useful and beautiful in this Masterclass. 3D printing and design software are mature and ready to turn your imagination into precisely placed plastic.
This Exclusive Material From World Class Makers Is Designed To Help You Become The Best Maker You Can Be

1. Unique, Actionable and Practical Material
Our Speakers have spend a life-time learning, practicing, and improving their engineering and art. They have worked hard to present how they do what they do in never seen before sessions, filled with practical and actionable step-by-step advice that will help you to learn from the things they have learned (the hard way). Build on what you learn from them to become the best Maker you can possibly be - no matter if you're just starting out or have been doing this for a while.
That’s why the Full Access Pass is a no-brainer for most of our attendees.
2. Proven, World-Class Expert Mentors!
With the Full Access Pass, it’ll be like having 22+ world-class expert mentors in your hand, constantly ready to help you out with their best advice.
Don’t waste precious time and money on trial and error! These experts have already been where you are now and have figured out what works best right now.

3. Reduce Overwhelm
It’s a fact – most Makers are struggling with overwhelm. There’s too many sources of information, and how are you supposed to know who to trust?
You don’t want to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars, and time on self-proclaimed gurus without actual real-life experience or results. That’s why I’ve gathered this hand-picked lineup of expert Makers in one place, sharing what works for them, clearly.
No fluff! Our expert speakers will tell you how they create their software and hardware projects. Learn and be inspired from them, and be prepared to see amazing results in your own projects!
A Quick Recap
Exclusive priority access to all world-class expert Maker masterclass sessions, notes, learning resources downloadable audio, software & hardware deals, VIP Facebook group and after-summit QA event, and much more...
When you enroll during this special, limited time period, you’ll get:
TOTAL VALUE = $1,719
Get Access To 22 World-Class Expert Maker Masterclass Sessions Plus $1,719 In Exclusive Bonuses…

Your Maker Mind Meld Full Access Pass Comes With A 100% Money Back Guarantee.
I’m so confident that you’ll absolutely LOVE everything the Maker Mind Meld Full-Access Pass gives you, that I’m willing to offer you an outrageous 100% money back guarantee.
Here's how it works...
Sign up for your Maker Mind Meld All Access Pass and test it out for the next 15 days.
Watch as many of the 22 world-class expert Maker masterclass sessions as you'd like, and if you don’t feel it has been a worthwhile investment (for any reason), then simply send an email to our support team within 15 days of your purchase, and we’ll refund your money in full, no questions asked (as long as you didn’t buy just to get access to all the material or the special deals & discounts etc).
For more information, please refer to our return policy here.
What are you waiting for?
Grab your Full-Access Pass today so you don't miss out.

What is the Maker Mind Meld Full Access Pass?
What’s the difference between the Free Pass and the Full Access Pass?
Is the summit completely online?
Can I access this material on my iPad, iPhone, or Mobile device?
Who is the Maker Mind Meld Full Access Pass for?
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What’s the return and cancellation policy?

Dr Peter Dalmaris
Hi, I’m Peter.
I am an online educator and Maker, author of Maker Education Revolution, KiCad Like a Pro, and founder at Tech Explorations.
My mission is to help people learn electronics, programming, printed circuit board design, and lots more.
Most importantly, I want to help as many people as possible to enjoy their technology education adventures.
After a 15 year career as a University Lecturer, I decided to become a Maker, again. Like most of us, as a child, I was curious, and I learned how things worked by experimenting with them (usually, this meant taking them apart and hoping to not loose any screws as I was putting things back together).
Growing up, I became an Engineer, only to loose my childish curiosity in the name of pursuing a career.
I became a child again once I got my first Arduino. With it, I started creating thing, tinkering with components, testing ideas. Even though I was a "career educator", it was only now that I realised how wrong my last 15 years of education had been. I was partly responsible for destroying the creativity of thousands of students, just like mine had been destroyed in the name of being a "proper adult".
At Tech Explorations, my job is to learn and to create. I learn what I am curious about, and I create educational content. This content is the record of my learning.
I don't create this content to teach "students". I create it to help learners learn things that they want to learn.
At the end of the day, we are all learners, and we learn from each other.
I sincerely hope that through the content I create at Tech Explorations, as many people as possible will be inspired to re-kindle their childhood curiosity, learn, and create amazing things.
Get Access To 22 World-Class Expert Masterclass Sessions Plus US$1,719 In Exclusive Bonuses… For Only:

I can’t wait to help you become the best Maker you possibly can be!
- Dr Peter Dalmaris

© 2019 1st Makers Mind Meld is curated by Tech Explorations Inc.
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