Errata & Resources for Node-RED & Raspberry Pi Pico W book

Use this page to report a bug in the eBook or print version of the book (upcoming, published by Elektor).

In this page you may also find a list of already submitted and fixed errata. Please review this list to check before you submit a new errata.

If you would like to learn more or purchase this book, please go to the product page.

Book and course repository

This book and course has a repository that contains the Micropython code, Node-RED flows, and schematic diagrams for all experiments.

This is the best place to copy these resources from as they are free of formatting bugs that you'll find in the book.

You can find this repository on GitHub.

Errata and bug reporting

Found a problem in the book? Typos, incorrect figure numbers, factual mistakes? 

Please let us know by completing this form.

Page numbers refer to the PDF version of the book.

Following is a list of known and fixed bugs:

Reported problems and fix status