Looking for some quality technology education? You are at the right place.
Our course catalog includes titles for the Arduino, Raspberry Pi, KiCad, ESP32, ESP8266, drones, bench instruments (like multi-meters, oscilloscopes, LabJack and power supplies) and Autodesk Fusion 360.
Our courses are perfect for self-taught hobbyists, but also for primary and secondary STEM students and teachers.
Checkout some of our highlights below. Be sure to explore the specialist pages for the selection of courses that may be more appropriate for you.
Not sure where to start? We have prepared a guide to help you get started.
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Our course categories

Our Arduino courses are perfect for people just getting started, or for those with more experience.
These courses can have you master the basics and introduce you to a world of creativity and problem solving based on (perhaps the best) electronics prototyping platform, the Arduino.
If you are already an Arduino maker and looking for challenging weekend projects, or to extend your knowledge and skills, be sure to check the contents of this collection.
This page contains all our Arduino-related courses, books, and downloadable materials.

Have you overgrown the Arduino Uno?
Consider the ESP32, a powerful yet low-cost microcontroller. Use the familiar Arduino IDE and your existing knowledge to develop much larger projects.
The ESP32 is a stable microcontroller platform that boast lots of RAM and flash memory, with integrated Wifi, Bluetooth and sensors, and dual-core processing.
It feels and works like an Arduino, but under the hood, it contains the technology you need to turbo-charge your projects.

Raspberry Pi
The Raspberry Pi is perhaps the world's most popular single-board computer.
You can learn how to use the Raspberry Pi in your projects with our courses.
All our Raspberry courses are project-based.
We designed them to help you learn how to build complete systems around the Raspberry Pi.
With a balanced combination of hardware, software, prototyping and design instruction, you will graduate with solid Raspberry Pi skills.

Computer Aided Design
Modern design and manufacturing has extended its reach to the individual. This means that you can design and professionally manufacture almost any physical object you can imagine.
This collection contains courses that will help you learn how to design 3D objects and printed circuit boards. With this knowledge, you can complete your projects with a professional finish.
We teach you how to use powerful, and free, computer aided design software tools, that are compatible with Windows and Mac computers.
These skill are essential for any maker who want to create beautifully finished gadgets and projects.

Learning is not complete without its application.
With our project courses, not only you will learn new knowledge, but you will also have opportunity to improve your building techniques, learn how to use your tools.
Choose between our Arduino or Raspberry Pi projects. Make remote control cars, Internet of Things applications, automate your workbench.
Stretch your brain, learn a lot, and have something to show for it.

Tools & electronics
To make anything, you need imagination, raw materials, and tools.
We can help you with the tools.
The courses in this page will teach you how to use tools such as the multi-meter, the oscilloscope, the soldering iron, the breadboard, the LabJack data acquisition device and much more.
You will also learn how to use common components found in Arduino projects, how to do the relevant measurements and calculations to help you select appropriate components for your projects.

Resources and coaching for STEM teachers
STEM education is a creative platform on which teachers can build powerful educational experiences for their students.
The Arduino is perfect for learning a variety of topics, like programming, electronics, engineering, and art.
Through our Arduino Bootcamp for Teachers, we can train you so that we can go on and mentor your own students with confidence. No only we will provide you with custom, one-on-one training, but we will also give you a full complement of classroom resources that you can use as soon as you graduate.
Last Updated 2 years ago.