Arduino Step by Step Getting Started
This page contains lists of required parts and tools for the course "Arduino Step by Step Getting Started" (Kids Learning Space or Bootcamp edition).
The following lists contain the parts and tools necessary to complete the course Arduino Step by Step Getting Started (Kids Learning Space or Bootcamp edition).
Many of the items below are reusable. Items like soldering irons, precision screwdrivers, Arduinos etc will last for many years if you look after them. Other items like resistors, spacers and potentiometers come in packs that contain sufficient numbers to last for many projects.
The items in these lists are provided in an effort to make it easier for our students to find the parts and tools they need. While we take care to find reliable Amazon sellers, we cannot be responsible for problems in their supply chain or fulfillment. Sellers may run out of stock at any time, or shipments may be lost in transit. For issues like these, or for warranty claims, please contact the seller or Amazon directly.
If you do not live in the US, UK or Germany, or the Amazon stores that we provide links to below do not deliver to your location, consider using a freight forwarding service like Shipito. You can ship your shopping to them, and they will forward to you, anywhere in the world. This is useful in case, for at least some of the items in your shopping list, Amazon will not ship to addresses outside the US.
In addition to Amazon, our friends at SunFounder have kindly taken the time to find the course hardware in their inventory and provided direct links to the relevant product pages. SunFounder can ship their products anywhere in the world.
If you are working on the free introductory course for the Arduino, you will need items 1.1, 1.4, 1.9, 1.10, 2.1 and 2.2.
Sunfounder is a company focused on STEAM education with products like opensource robots, Arduino & Raspberry Pi Kits, Display screens, and smart devices.
Tech Explorations has partnered with Sunfounder, to offer you three of their best kits at a 20% discount.
The discounted kits are:
- SunFounder Starter Kit for Arduino Mega 2560 (great for Arduino Step by Step Getting Serious).
- Raspberry Pi Starter Kit (Da Vinci) for Beginners (great for any of our Raspberry Pi courses).
- Raspberry Pi Pico Starter kit (Thales) for Beginners (great for our Micropython course).
To claim your 20% off on the hardware, click on the links above to go to the kit page, and use coupon X2Z2ZN0WS88Y at the checkout.
Found a problem in this list?
If you find errors in this parts list, please help us fix it by raising a support ticket.
1. To complete this project, you will need the following parts:
# |
Description |
Photo |
Buying options |
1 |
Arduino Uno, Genuine |
2 |
Arduino Uno, Clone |
3 |
6x6x6mm Momentary Push Button Switch |
4 |
10K Ohm Breadboard Trim Potentiometer |
5 |
UV sensor |
6 |
RGB color sensor |
7 |
8 |
Single color 5mm LEDs |
9 |
Assorted resistors (we'll mostly use 220Ω, 1κΩ and 10κΩ resistors) |
10 |
Photoresistor |
11 |
DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor |
12 |
TMP36 Analog Temperature sensor |
13 |
MCP9808 High Accuracy I2C Temperature Sensor |
14 |
Thermistor temperature sensor |
15 |
BMP180 or MBP280 environment sensor |
16 |
ADXL335 accelerometer |
17 |
Passive Infrared Motion sensor |
18 |
Ultrasonic distance sensor |
19 |
Analog sound sensor |
20 |
Arduino Compatible Microphone |
Cell |
21 |
Passive buzzer |
22 |
2x16 characters LCD screen |
23 |
2x16 characters LCD screen with I2C backpack adaptor |
24 |
LCD Shield Kit w/ 16×2 Character Display with buttons |
Cell |
2. To complete this project you will need these tools:
# |
Description |
Photo |
Buying options |
1 |
Mini breadboard |
2 |
Male-male Jumper wires |
3 |
Multimeter |
4 |
Wire cutter |
5 |
Tweezers |
6 |
Precision screwdrivers |
7 |
Soldering iron and solder (check mains power requirements for your location) |
8 |
Solder pump (to help in fixing soldering errors) |
9 |
PCB holder (to make soldering easier) |
10 |
Copper sponge |
11 |
Tip tinner |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
To complete this project you will need these resources:
- Arduino IDE | Download
- Computer (Windows, Mac OS, Linux)
- Access to the Internet
- Access to Facebook
Are you enrolled in Arduino Mastery Projects?
You will need this subset of components: