Arduino Step by Step Getting Serious
This page contains lists of required parts and tools for the course "Arduino Step by Step Getting Serious".
The following lists contain the parts and tools necessary to complete the course Arduino Step by Step Getting Serious.
Many of the items below are reusable and they will last for many years if you look after them.
The items in these lists are provided in an effort to make it easier for our students to find the parts and tools they need. While we take care to find reliable Amazon sellers, we cannot be responsible for problems in their supply chain or fulfillment. Sellers may run out of stock at any time, or shipments may be lost in transit. For issues like these, or for warranty claims, please contact the seller or Amazon directly.
In addition to Amazon, our friends at SunFounder have kindly taken the time to find the course hardware in their inventory and provided direct links to the relevant product pages. SunFounder can ship their products anywhere in the world.
If you do not live in the US, UK or Germany, or the Amazon stores that we provide links to below do not deliver to your location, consider using a freight forwarding service like Shipito. You can ship your shopping to them, and they will forward to you, anywhere in the world. This is useful in case, for at least some of the items in your shopping list, Amazon will not ship to addresses outside the US.
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# |
Description |
Photo |
Buying options |
All sections | |||
1 |
Arduino Uno compatible |
2 |
Assorted male-male jumper wires |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
3 |
Assorted through-hole resistors |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
4 |
LEDs |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
5 |
Breadboard friendly momentary buttons |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
6 |
Capacitors mixed assorted kit |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
7 |
Digital multimeter |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
8 |
Battery Pack |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
9 |
Bench Power Supply |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | |
Section 2 | |||
10 |
BME280 sensor |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 3 | |||
11 |
MPU6050 sensor |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 4 | |||
12 |
HMC5883 compass / magnetometer |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 5 | |||
13 |
Flex sensor, 2.2" (5.588cm) long |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
14 |
Spectrasymbol membrane potentiometer (SoftPot) |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 6 | |||
15 |
Rotary encoder |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 7 | |||
16 |
4x4 flexible keypad |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
17 |
Phone-style keypad |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
18 |
MM74C922 decoder IC |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 8 | |||
19 |
Adafruit 1.8" TFT Color shield with micro SD and joystick |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
20 |
Micro SD card |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 9 | |||
21 |
Generic 240x320 2.2" TFT screen with the ILI9340C controller |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
22 |
Adafruit 240x320 2.2" TFT screen with the ILI9340C controller |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 10 | |||
23 |
2.8" TFT screen |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 11 | |||
24 |
128x64 OLED SPI display with the SH1106 controller |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 12 | |||
25 |
4 x 8x8 LED matrix displays using the MAX7219 controller |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 13 | |||
26 |
Single seven segment display, common cathode |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfoudner |
27 |
Dual seven segment display, common cathode |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfoudner |
28 |
Seven segment clock display, common cathode |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
29 |
0.56" 4-digit Seven segment clock display with I2C backpack |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
30 |
74HC595 shift register IC |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 14 | |||
31 |
White 12V LED strip |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
32 |
RGB LED strip |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
33 |
3 x TIP122 Darlington transistors |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
34 |
12V power supply |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
35 |
Adafruit Neopixel LED strip with 30 LEDs |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 15 | |||
36 |
5V power supply |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 16 | |||
37 |
2 x 5V DC motors |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
38 |
L298N motor controller |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
39 |
L8871 motor controller |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder | Adafruit |
40 |
Adafruit Motor Shield v2 |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 17 | |||
41 |
2x Basic mini servo motor |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
42 |
Continuous rotation servo motor |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
43 |
Adafruit Servo shield |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder | Adafruit |
Section 18 | |||
44 |
NEMA17 stepper motor |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
45 |
L293 motor controller |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
46 |
EasyDriver motor controller |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfoudner |
47 |
Unipolar stepper motor |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
48 |
ULN2003 motor controller |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 19 | |||
49 |
Ethernet shield with the Wiznet 5100 controller |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
50 |
10 kΩ photo resistor |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
51 |
DHT22 sensor |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
52 |
2x16 character LCD screen with I2C backpack |
Section 20 | |||
54 |
Adafruit ATWINC1500 Wifi module |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 21 | |||
55 |
2 x 74HC595 shift register ICs |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 22 | |||
56 |
HC-06 Bluetooth module |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 23 | |||
57 |
Adafruit BLE breakout with the nRF8001 module |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 24 | |||
58 |
Adafruit Bluefruit LE UART Friend |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 25 | |||
59 |
2 x nRF24L01+ modules |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 26 | |||
60 |
1 x 433Mhz receiver XY-MK-5V |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 28 | |||
61 |
SD card module with SPI for Arduino |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
62 |
External EEPROM module, 256 kB with the 24C256 |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
63 |
Thermistor |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 32 | |||
64 |
1 x 74HC14 Schmiddt trigger IC |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 33 | |||
65 |
MCP23017 Port expander |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 34 | |||
66 |
RTC module TinyRTC v1.1 |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 35 | |||
67 |
TIP122 Darlington transistor |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
68 |
5V relay |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
69 |
2N2222 transistor |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 36 | |||
70 |
Adafruit Ultimate GPS breakout |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 37 | |||
71 |
Atmega 328P |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
72 |
7805 Voltage regulator |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 38 | |||
73 |
10 kΩ potentiometer |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 40 | |||
74 |
Fingerprint sensor |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
75 |
5V Electromagnetic lock |
Cell |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Section 42 | |||
76 |
Raspberry Pi 3 or 4 |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
77 |
16x32 LED matrix display |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
78 |
Piezo buzzer |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
79 |
RTC breakout |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
80 |
3-axis HMC5883L magnetometer |
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Sunfounder |
Last Updated 3 weeks ago.