

Mining Bitcoin… on a Raspberry Pi 

 September 18, 2018

By  Peter

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If you are wondering how to mine Bitcoin on your Raspberry Pi (is it at all possible?), watch this video. Below we summarise the command needed to do so. Before mining Bitcoin, you must join a mining pool and install the CPUMiner-multi software on your Raspberry Pi.

I show how to do this in the upcoming course “Learn to mine Cryptocurrencies”, of which this video is a lecture.

To mine Bitcoin you will use the Sha256 algorithm, which is pretty CPU-intensive and works better on ASIC hardware.

You will begin mining Bitcoin by using the CPUMiner-multi and the multipool.us mining pool. Before proceeding, please make sure that you have already created a wallet address for Bitcoin (as instructed elsewhere in the course), an account at the Multipool.us (as instructed elsewhere in the course) and you have already set up the CPUMiner-multi (as instructed elsewhere in the course).

Type the following command:

pi@Rpi:~ $ cd cpuminer-multi
pi@Rpi:~/cpuminer-multi $ ./minerd -a sha256d -o stratum+tcp://eu.multipool.us:3332 -u <username> -p <worker>

Do not forget to replace the <username> and <worker> with the one you used to register an account at the Multipool mining pool.

In my case, the command I used was:

pi@RPiFSv2:~/crypto/cpuminer-multi $ ./minerd -a sha256d -o stratum+tcp://eu.multipool.us:3332 -u futureshocked.1 -p rpi


… where “futureshocked.1” is the name of my worker in the multipool.us mining pool, and “rpi” some text I used in place of the password (which is not important since my miner is not password-protected on multipool.us).

As you can see in the video, creating accepted hashes is impossible for the Raspberry Pi, as the pool rapidly cancels the current job and begins searching for a new block.

Do not give up just yet! There are still other cryptocurrencies that you can mine with your Raspberry Pi, if not for profit, surely for the love of learning 🙂


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