Yesterday, I had the pleasure of talking to Vasilis Vorrias about his project WIZcube.
In this hastily-organized interview (I’m traveling with only a laptop, and unreliable Internet so please excuse the poor audio/video quality), Vasilis talked about the origins of WIZCube (which started back in 2011, when the Raspberry Pi was first announced), M10Cube, the technology and capabilities of the M10Cube modules, their “brains” (starting with the original Raspberry Pi, then supporting the ESP32 and STM32), and how the new Raspberry Pi Pico has completely changed the dynamics of this project.
A new team member, Olivier, recently joined Vasili and made a big difference in the velocity of the project, complementing Vasili’s hardware design skills with his firmware skills. Together, they are participating as a candidate for Wiznet’s Ethernet HAT Contest 2022, which I think they have a very good chance at winning.
In their competition submission, you will find KiCad projects for all available modules (such as the relay, CNC controler, and triac modules), the Gitlab repository with all firmware and more. All Wiznet modules utilise the Raspberry Pi Pico with Wiznet’s Ethernet interface and port on the board.
I invite to watch this video and learn more about this project, and support Vasili and Olivier in their quest to win the Wiznet competition!