Welcome to Tech Explorations Podcast episode 9
I’m Peter Dalmaris, and in this episode, my guest is Robert Feranec.
Robert is the founder of FEDEVEL Academy. He is well-known through his YouTube channel and his online schematic design and PCB layout courses, where he teaches hardware design.
Robert specializes in advanced digital development with a focus on high-speed, processor, and motherboard board design.
He regularly posts on his Welldone Blog, teaches at Udemy, and runs the hardware DesignHelp Forum.

Robert creates content about electronics, Altium Designer, Cadence OrCAD / Allegro, and Hardware Design tips and tricks.
In this interview, we cover a range of topics and explore Robert’s journey as an engineer. If you design printed circuit boards, you’ll find a lot of gems of wisdom in this episode.
This is Tech Explorations Podcast episode 9.

The Tech Explorations Podcast is a podcast produced by Tech Explorations, a leading provider of educational resources for Makers, STEM students, and teachers. Go to techexplorations.com to see a complete list of our books and courses covering the Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and electronics.
Show Notes
- [spp-timestamp time="0:00:00"] Introducing Robert Feranec, computer board designer and educator
- [spp-timestamp time="0:02:08"] Robert describes his journey and experiences as a designer of PCBs and motherboards and later as an educator
- [spp-timestamp time="0:25:19"] Robert talks about starting his own company and switching to teaching
- [spp-timestamp time="0:37:41"] What are some of the challenges in creating a high-density/high-speed printed circuit board?
- [spp-timestamp time="0:46:44"] Robert's opinion on auto-router vs manually routing
- [spp-timestamp time="0:56:18"] What is Robert's approach around segmenting a board, placing subsystems and allocating space for them
- [spp-timestamp time="1:02:21"] Rapid Fire Questions
- [spp-timestamp time="1:02:30"] Educational resources recommendations by Robert
- [spp-timestamp time="1:06:36"] Robert's favorite PCB design applications
- [spp-timestamp time="1:08:57"] Robert's Contact Information: Email, YouTube channel, LinkedIn, Facebook