

Coming soon: Raspberry Pi Full Stack Upgrade Project 

 November 15, 2022

By  Peter

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Raspberry Pi Full Stack, a course that takes the student on a whirlwind tour of full-stack web application development on the Raspberry Pi, will soon have a sequel course!

Raspberry Pi Full Stack Upgrade Project.

The new course preview video.

We are polishing and finishing this new course and will press the “publish” button in a few days.

In this “sneak preview” post, I want to give you some information about the new course.

In a nutshell: With the new course, you will learn how to upgrade the original Raspberry Pi Full Stack application with new hardware and capabilities and improve your Maker knowledge and skills.

The upgraded Full Stack application utilises the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W single-board computer and the ESP32 microcontroller – although you can use any Raspberry Pi and Arduino-compatible board.

The two nodes communicate via a modern radio transceiver (the HC-12). They can sense their environment using the BME280, show their status on an organic LED display and a web interface, log data on the Cloud, and trigger notifications when specific conditions arise.

As part of the course and the upgrade process, you will practice and upgrade your skills in the Linux operating system, Python, Flask, Javascript/jQuery, Plotly, Google Charts, HTML/CSS, and IFTTT.

If you want to see what the upgraded application looks like at the end of the course, watch this demonstration video:

Demo of the upgraded Full Stack application.

If you have completed the original Raspberry Pi Full Stack application (which I strongly recommend), you will only need an OLED display, the HC12 transceivers, and the BME280 sensor. You will be able to reuse everything else. Here are more details about the hardware for the new course.

In this project, you will have the opportunity to work on your Maker soft skills on an existing project. You will improve your ability to build a full-stack application based on the Raspberry Pi, the ESP32 and a combination of software tools and technologies. You will also gain new skills in maintaining, modifying, and extending a full-stack application; an essential skill often overlooked in technical and technology education.


Look out for the email announcement in your inbox in the next few days!

This announcement will contain a discount code for the new course and special “Black Friday” pricing for our other courses.


Arduino, ESP32, Raspberry Pi

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