The Goodies Page
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Please go ahead and download all or any of the PDFs in the page. These PDFs contain some of the best blog posts and guides on the Tech Explorations website. They are the perfect way to start your journey in electronics and programming!
About these PDFs
Please read before downloading
Welcome to our special collection of PDF documents, meticulously curated from the Tech Explorations blog and guide articles. As a token of appreciation for joining our email list, we offer these documents for you to download at no cost. Our aim is to provide you with valuable insights and knowledge in a convenient format. You can read these PDFs on your device, or print.
Please note that these PDFs are derived from our blog posts and articles with limited editing. We prioritize updating content and ensuring all links are functional, striving to enhance quality continually. However, the editing level does not match the comprehensive standards applied to our Tech Explorations books and courses.
We regularly update these documents to include the latest content from our website, ensuring you have access to fresh and relevant information.
Maker Education Revolution
This PDF is an introduction to the concepts and practices of Maker Education. I argue that Maker Education offers a compelling model for education in the 21st century.
Printable, 151 pages, full color, A4
Arduino Introduction and Basic Sensors
This PDF starts with a bit of a history for the Arduino, then gets you into the basics, and introduces you to some of the most commonly used sensors.
Printable, 195 pages, full color, A4

Arduino Peripherals and Circuits
This PDF contains post and articles on Arduino peripherals and circuits.
Printable, 90 pages, full color, A4
Arduino Motors and Displays
This PDF contains post and articles on Arduino motors and displays.
Printable, 206 pages, full color, A4
Arduino Programming
This PDF starts with a bit of a history for the Arduino, then gets you into the basics, and introduces you to some of the most commonly used sensors.
Printable, 102 pages, full color, A4
ESP32 Introduction
This PDF contains articles to help you get started with the ESP32.
Printable, 105 pages, full color, A4
ESP32 MicroPython
This PDF contains articles to help you get started with the ESP32 and MicroPython.
Printable, 143 pages, full color, A4
ESP32 Node-RED
This PDF contains articles to help you get started with the ESP32 and Node-RED.
Printable, 104 pages, full color, A4
Oscilloscopes - An introduction
This PDF contains articles to help you get started with your first oscilloscope.
Printable, 55 pages, full color, A4
KiCAD - An introduction
This PDF contains articles to help you get started with KiCad.
Printable, 122 pages, full color, A4
Raspberry Pi - An introduction
This PDF contains articles to help you get started with the Raspberry Pi.
Printable, 111 pages, full color, A4
License statement for the PDF documents on this page
Permitted Use: This document is available for both educational and commercial purposes, subject to the terms and conditions outlined in this license statement.
Author and Ownership: The author of this work is Peter Dalmaris, and the owner of the Intellectual Property is Tech Explorations ( All rights are reserved.
Credit Requirement: Any use of this document, whether in part or in full, for educational or commercial purposes, must include clear and visible credit to Peter Dalmaris as the author and Tech Explorations as the owner of the Intellectual Property. The credit must be displayed in any copies, distributions, or derivative works and must include a link to
Restrictions: This license does not grant permission to sell the document or any of its parts without explicit written consent from Peter Dalmaris and Tech Explorations. The document must not be modified, altered, or used in a way that suggests endorsement by the author or Tech Explorations without their explicit written consent.
Liability: The document is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, express or implied. In no event shall the author or Tech Explorations be liable for any claim, damages, or other liability arising from the use of the document.
By using this document, you agree to abide by the terms of this license. Failure to comply with these terms may result in legal action and termination of the license granted herein.
Last Updated 12 months ago.