ESP32 Unleashed
This page contains lists of required and optional hardware components and software for the course "ESP32 Unleashed".

The following lists contain the components necessary to complete the ESP32 Unleashed project course.
Many of the items below are reusable between projects. Sensors, breadboards, LED etc. will last for many years if you look after them. Other items like resistors, and potentiometers come in packs that contain sufficient numbers to last for many projects.
The items in these lists are provided in an effort to make it easier for our students to find the parts and tools they need. While we take care to find reliable Amazon sellers, we cannot be responsible for problems in their supply chain or fulfilment. Sellers may run out of stock at any time, or shipments may be lost in transit. For issues like these, or for warranty claims, please contact the seller or Amazon directly.
If you do not live in the US, UK or Germany, or the Amazon stores that we provide links to below do not deliver to your location, consider using a freight forwarding service like Shipito. You can ship your shopping to them, and they will forward to you, anywhere in the world. This is useful in case, for at least some of the items in your shopping list, Amazon will not ship to addresses outside the US.

This photograph shows the components of the gadget. To the right, you can see the ESP32 dev kit breakout unpopulated. Below the TFT display, you can see the breakout board populated.
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To complete this course using a breadboard, you will need the following parts:
- An ESP32 development board, one of the following:
- Single color 5mm LEDs | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Seeedstudio
- Assorted resistors (but we'll mostly be using 330Ω, and 10κΩ resistors) | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE |
- A BME280 sensor board | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Seeedstudio
- A 2.8 inch, 240x320 pixels, SPI TFT module with touch, that uses the ILI9341 controller | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Seeedstudio
- Two mini-breadboards | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Seeedstudio
- Flexible jumper wires | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Seeedstudio
To complete this course using our ESP32 devkit breakout board, you will need the following parts:

- The ESP32 development kit breakout board, v1.2. Get it from Seeedstudio or PCBWay (please see board specs below)
- An ESP32 development board, one of the following:
- ESP32 Dev Kit v3 or v4 | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE |
- GeeekNET ESP32 Development Board from Seeedstudio
- 4 x 0805 LED of various colors | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Seeedstudio
- 4 x 0805 330 Ω resistors | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Seeedstudio
- 1 x 0805 10 kΩ resistor (optional) | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Seeedstudio
- 1 momentary button (optional) | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Seeedstudio
- Jumpers | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Seeedstudio
- Several male and female headers, 2.54mm pitch | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Seeedstudio
Note: Consider purchasing a kit that contains various values of 0805 SMD resistors as it generaly works out cheaper than purchasing the individual resistors. | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE |
Here are the specifications of the ESP32 development kit breakout board:
- 86.36 x 46.73mm
- 2 Layers
- Thickness: 1.6 mm
- Finished Copper: 1 oz Cu
- Surface Finish: HASL lead free

Approximate cost of board manufactured by Seeedstudio or PCBWay: US$19
Shipping cost depends on the destination. For Australia, this is around US$20, when the boards ship from China.
To complete this course you will also need these resources:
- Arduino IDE | Download
- Computer (Windows, Mac OS, Linux)
- Access to the Internet
Last Updated 2 years ago.