Oscilloscopes for Busy People
This page contains lists of the parts and tools necessary to complete the course "Oscilloscopes For Busy People".

The following lists contain the parts and tools necessary to complete the course Oscilloscopes For Busy People.
The items in this list are provided in an effort to make it easier for our students to find the parts and tools they need. While we take care to find reliable sellers, we cannot be responsible for problems in their supply chain or fulfilment. Sellers may run out of stock at any time, or shipments may be lost in transit. For issues like these, or for warranty claims, please contact the seller directly.
If you do not live in the US, UK or Germany, or the Amazon stores that we provide links to below do not deliver to your location, consider using a freight forwarding service like Shipito. You can ship your shopping to them, and they will forward to you, anywhere in the world. This is useful in case, for at least some of the items in your shopping list, Amazon will not ship to addresses outside the US. To the best of my knowledge, Seeed will ship anywhere in the world directly, so you do not need a forwarding service.
You will need an oscilloscope, such as one of these:
Of course, you can use any digital oscilloscope, not just the ones I have listed below.
- (Used in the course) Loto PC Oscilloscope + Logic Analyzer OSCA02, 2-Channel, 35 MHz Bandwidth, 100M S/s Sampling
- USB Oscilloscope +Logic Analyzer (4-Channel TTL Digital inputs) || 8~13 bit Vertical Resolution
- Rigol DS1054Z Digital Oscilloscopes - Bandwidth: 50 MHz, Channels: 4
- (Used in the course) Rigol DS2072A-S 70 MHz Digital Oscilloscope with 2 channels + 2-channel Signal Source
- Rigol DS1102E 100MHz Digital Oscilloscope, Dual Analog Channels, 1 GSa/s Sampling, USB Storage
Here are the tools that I use in this course:
In this course, I have made frequent use of my benchtop multimeter and my waveform generator. The other tools, such as the soldering station, are secondary and useful to assemble some of the circuit that I used.
- TENMA 72-7730A digital autoranging multimeter
- (Used in the course) Rigol DM3058E Digital Multimeter (benchtop)
(Used in the course) Rigol DG1011 15 MHz Function / Arbitrary Waveform Generator (benchtop)
- KORAD KA3005P - Programmable Precision Variable Adjustable 30V, 5A DC Linear Power Supply Digital Regulated Lab Grade (benchtop power supply)
- CO-Z 858D LED Display SMD Soldering Rework Station
- American HAKKO Products FR301-03/P Desoldering Tool
To complete this course you will also need these resources:
- Arduino IDE | Download
- Computer (Windows, Mac OS, Linux)
- Access to the Internet
Last Updated 3 years ago.