

ESP32 for Busy People 

 April 27, 2019

By  Peter

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My new ESP32 course is almost ready, and I am very excited! 🤩

I just finished working on the promotional video. 

You can learn more about the contents of “ESP32 for Busy People” here.


PS1. I’ve added the script below the video.

PS2. Please post your comments below, I’m eager to hear from you 🙂

The ESP32 is a powerful, low-cost microcontroller, that can replace the Arduino in your projects.

If you are an Arduino maker, and feel like you have outgrown the Arduino Uno, then this course is for you.

With the ESP32, you can get a lot more capacity to build more interesting projects, almost for free.

The really nice thing about the ESP32 is that you can build on your existing Arduino skills and knowledge. You don’t have to learn from the ground up.

With the ESP32, you can quickly create projects that use its integrated Wifi and Bluetooth, huge amounts of flash and RAM memories to hold larger sketches, dual core processing, many more pins and communications options to connect peripherals, and so much more.

My name is Peter, and I am the instructor of “ESP32 for Busy People”.

I’ve created this course for people who want to quickly get up and running with the ESP32 so they can get on with their projects.

The ESP32 builds on the legacy of the previous generation of microcontrollers from Espresif, the ESP8266, and delivers more stability, more power, and better integration with the Arduino platform.

A lot of my Arduino students asked me for a course that can help them ease their way into the ESP32.

“ESP32 for Busy People” is that course.

It will teach you the necessary fundamentals so that you can understand its hardware architecture, and then ease you into hands-on mini-project so that you become comfortable with it, quickly.

The course follows the familiar Tech Explorations format, which includes all schematic wiring diagrams and demo sketches, a logical course structure, high-quality video and audio, and thoughtful and calm delivery.

Please watch the free lectures in the first section of the course to learn more about it, including the important prerequisites, and hardware and software requirements.

I look forward to seeing you in the course!


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