It is now March 31, and time to draw the lucky winner of the raffle. The winner will get a free ticket to the first ever KiCad conference.
Please watch the draw in this video.
The lucky winner is Lawrence Joy with his PCB “Audio Interface II”, pictured below:

In Larry’s words, this board is an “Audio Interface for two person, an operator and a logger, of an amateur radio transceiver.”
Larry also submitted a second PCB, an AC Adaptor Voltage Regulator:

This PCB is part of a gadget that turns any AC Wall Wart into a variable settable voltage. Larry designed both boards on KiCad 5.
Brett Garberman submitted The Medicine Man, a PCB used to track a patient’s medicine dosage schedule, monitor remotely, and trigger remote alerts and reminders. Brett designed this PCB in PROTEL (Altium Designer). Here’s what it looks like:

Last but not least, Jesse Rhew submitted a PCB he designed named “Ain’t Afraid Cancer-Fighting Fuzz Pedal”. Here’s Jesse’s description:
“This board is a guitar effect made of a common-emitter amplifier with signal-clipping diodes. I volunteer teaching an electronics workshop at a kids music summer camp in Nashville. In addition to learning instruments and starting their first rock bands, we do workshops on arts, gear, and electronics. This project is a version of a kit we designed and built. A former camper-turned-counselor began a fight with cancer, so we turned this course project into a fundraiser for her.”
Jesse designed this PCB in KiCad 4. Thank you Jesse. Please accept my best wishes for a positive outcome in this fight against cancer.

Regarding the gadget I used to do the draw, it consists of an ESP32 with a 2.8″ TFT display. The sketch uses the ESP32 random number generator.
Checkout the sketch on Github if you are curious about how it works.
You can learn learn KiCad with my KiCad ebook or video course, and ESP32 with my upcoming courses (I have planned a “getting started” course, and at least one project course). The raffle draw gadget is based on one of my ESP32 projects.
Thank you to Brett, Larry and Jesse for taking part in this raffle.
Larry, enjoy the conference!