

What’s been happening, September 2017 

 December 2, 2017

By  Peter

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Here’s my video newsletter for August-September 2017:

News in bullets:

  1. New courses and people. Want to create a new course with me? let me know!
  2. New book! Maker Education Revolution. Here’s more about it (plus, download a free sample)
  3. New Podcast! Stemiverse, dedicated to STEM education. Here’s the published episodesBe our guest!
  4. Upcoming courses.
  5. STEM school for kids. Register your interest (obligation-free)

Feel free to discuss any of these items with me (peter (at) txplore.com)

What’s been happening, September 2017 from Peter Dalmaris on Vimeo.


2017, Newsletter, September

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