We have updated our popular Node-Red and ESP32 project course to be compatible with the latest available versions of Node-Red and Node.js.
In this update, we have added two new sections with lectures that show you how to update Node-Red to version 2.2.2, and Node.js to version 16, as well as how to use many of the new nodes that come with Node-Red 2. There’s also a Recipes section with lectures on how to deal with common problems, such as running out of SD card space and forgetting your Node-Red GUI password.
Of course, you can use the techniques from this update to keep your Node-Red setup always up-to-date.
If you are already enrolled in this course, just login to your account and head to the Node-Red & ESP32 course to watch the new lectures.
If you are not enrolled, this is a great time to do so!
Check out the course details, and use coupon code nodered15 to get a 15% discount on the Solo or Community tier enrollment (coupon expires on June 26 AEDT, UTC +10).