
Stemiverse 0017 – Dr Steve Brodie: Open Innovation 

 November 28, 2017

By  Peter

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In this episode, Dr. Peter Dalmaris talks with Dr. Steve Brodie.

Steve has over 20 years’ experience in research and development, commercialization and open innovation within corporate research and development laboratories (multinational and SME) and University technology transfer offices. He is a creative intrapreneur with a proven ability to recognize innovation opportunities and to create and implement solutions to go after them.

A core theme throughout Steve’s career has been innovation and, in particular, how individuals and organizations can collaborate to identify innovation opportunities, develop new ideas and innovate.

Currently, Steve is the Executive Manager, Innovation at CSIRO, Australia’s premier research organization. ON is Australia’s national science and technology accelerator specializing in assisting researchers from the fields of science and technology working on projects that have the potential to shape Australia’s future.

In this interview, we discuss Open Collaborative and Wicked innovation, classroom-friendly ways to foster innovative thinking, Lady Bird science books, the continuum between school student and a University career as a researcher, problem-solving and much more.

This is Stemiverse Podcast episode 17.


Stemiverse podcast is brought to you by Tech Explorations, a leading provider of educational resources for Makers, STEM students, and teachers. Go to techexplorations.com to see a complete list of our books and courses covering the Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and electronics.

Show Notes

[spp-timestamp time=”00:00″] Introduction – Introducing Dr Steve Brodie
[spp-timestamp time=”02:06″] Dr. Steve talks about his background in Research and Development and as Executive Manager, Innovation at CSIRO
[spp-timestamp time=”05:26″] Dr. Steve’s years in school as a student in England
[spp-timestamp time=”07:06″] Ladybird Books
[spp-timestamp time=”09:16″] The thread that connects the curiosity of a 10-year-old to that of a scientist/engineer
[spp-timestamp time=”11:00″] Innovators think like children
[spp-timestamp time=”11:55″] Curiosity: Expressed through play in childhood vs. structured problem-solving in adulthood
[spp-timestamp time=”13:44″] When curiosity becomes useful
[spp-timestamp time=”15:42″] Combinatorial Creativity
[spp-timestamp time=”20:47″] Online Resources on Combinatorial Creativity: The Whack Pack & Edward de Bono’s (inventor of the term “Lateral Thinking”) approach with random words
[spp-timestamp time=”22:36″] Dr Steve’s role at UNSW
[spp-timestamp time=”24:38″] The Innovation Sandpit
[spp-timestamp time=”28:51″] The meaning of the term ‘Open Innovation’
[spp-timestamp time=”31:48″] Is Open Innovation particularly suited for solving problems where collaboration is a necessary part?
[spp-timestamp time=”33:07″] A shift from Open Innovation to Collaborative Innovation
[spp-timestamp time=”33:48″] Collaboration is in the heart of progress and prosperity, and it’s even more important now as we move forward and become more technologically advanced
[spp-timestamp time=”37:15″] Are children at school learning about collaboration?
[spp-timestamp time=”38:17″] Should we get kids to work on big problems?
[spp-timestamp time=”39:23″] Collaborative Innovation at a very young age
[spp-timestamp time=”43:29″] Predicting the important characteristics or skills of a 30-year-old researcher 20 years from now: The observational side, engaging with people, being practical and getting things done
[spp-timestamp time=”46:07″] Chinese research experiment: Quantum Internet
[spp-timestamp time=”46:36″] Rapid Fire Questions
[spp-timestamp time=”46:42″] Who has been the most influential in the way you think and work: Richard Feynman (YouTube Video: The Beauty of the Flower)
[spp-timestamp time=”48:36″] Favourite books: Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!: Adventures of a Curious Character, by Richard Feynman
[spp-timestamp time=”49:56″] Advice to Educators just starting out: The ability to give students time and freedom to think, reflect and be curious
[spp-timestamp time=”53:06″] Dr. Steve’s Contact Information: Twitter: @InventorSteve


Collaboration, Collaborative Innovation, CSIRO, Open Innovation, Podcast, STEM, Stemiverse

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