One-on-one online training for STEM teachers
We'll help you skill-up so you can use the Arduino in your classroom
What is this Bootcamp about?
Sprint Mode | Jog Mode | Relaxed Mode
Curriculum | Tools | Guarantee
Why Arduino in STEM teaching? | What will you learn? | Testimonials | What will you need?
How should you prepare? | Is this Bootcamp right for you? | Schedule a consultation
Highly effective training

Fully online experience
We deliver all Bootcamp content online. We use email to coordinate tasks and give reminders, the Tech Explorations online school to provide content and Zoom for the coaching sessions.
Through email, we will coordinate your studying. All study materials are a click away. Each day brings you a single topic, to protect you from information overload.

Skilled instructors
Dr. Peter Dalmaris has been teaching online Arduino courses since 2013 and has helped over 55,000 students from around the world to enjoy tinkering with electronics. He understands the challenges of starting out and will help you on your journey.
Peter will be your coach during group and individual coaching sessions. Our team will be available to assist you through our Help Desk. We will make sure that you get the help you need no matter where you are in the world.

Coaching to fit your needs
As a Bootcamp participant, you will receive coaching via live Zoom video (if scheduling permits) or personalized, pre-recorded video.
Our coach and teaching assistants will review all of your project work and offer constructive feedback.
In addition, our coaching team is available to help you at any time via the Tech Explorations help desk.

Classroom resources
On Successful completion of the Bootcamp, you will receive a complete classroom resources kit. You can use your kit in your classroom immediately. Here is what you will receive:
These materials are licensed to you, for use in your classroom. Site licenses are also available on request.
Arduino Bootcamp for Teachers
What is it? Who is it for?
Learn in Relaxed Mode
We know that you may not be able to make this Bootcamp fit with your schedule in Jog or Sprint mode.
So we have created the Arduino Bootcamp for Teachers "Relaxed Mode".
In relaxed mode, we can work with you to create a schedule that works.
In relaxed mode, the Bootcamp starts when you are ready, and ends when you have completed all projects, as long as the total duration does not exceed 6 months.
You can discuss your requirements by booking a consultation meeting with Peter (access the booking form using the button at the bottom of this page) or send us a message via the Help Desk.
Learn in Sprint Mode
The Sprint Mode Bootcamp (SMB) is suitable for participants that can allocate up to 3 hours of study per day in exchange for completing the full training curriculum in 16 days.
SMB cohorts are limited to 5 participants, include 2 group coaching opportunities, with the option to opt-in for individual coaching sessions.
Learning in Sprint Mode will prepare you to teach Arduino in half the time of the Jog Mode Bootcamp.
SMB is ideal if you are in-between terms and looking to skill-up before classes begin.
If you are interested in this option, please contact Peter or book a consultation session using the links at the bottom of this page.
Learn in Jog Mode
The Jog Mode Bootcamp (JMB) is suitable for participants that can allocate up to 1 hour of study per day. We reduce the daily commitment by extending the total duration of the Bootcamp to 30 days.
JMB participants have access to 2 group coaching sessions per week. Cohorts are limited to 20 people.
JMB is ideal for people that prefer a slower pace of learning, that want to integrate the program into their daily schedule, and are looking for a more affordable option. Learning, testing, and doing alternative activities to help participants achieve a deep understanding of the content.
Both SMB and JMB participants will receive the same classroom resources kit at the end of their training, and the same dedicated support from our team.
If you are interested about this option, please contact Peter or book a consultation session using the links at the bottom of this page.
The curriculum
We have designed the curriculum for teachers who have never used the Arduino in the past. Many of our students have no programming experience.
Our curriculum emphasizes mastery, and focuses on:
- a solid understanding of the fundamental programming concepts and skills.
- a solid understanding of the Arduino board and its capabilities.
- the development of practical skills through the creation and expansion of a project portfolio.
Please watch this video to learn more about the tools that we use in the Arduino Bootcamp.
Bootcamp Tools
To create the best possible online learning experience, we make use of several tools. Chances are that you are already familiar with them.
Specifically, we use:
- Asana (a project management tool) to manage your training and keep track of your progress. Most communication will take place within Asana, supplemented with email notifications.
- The Tech Explorations school, where you will find the videos, downloadable lecture notes, quizzes and links to other resources.
- Zoom, for conducting our live coaching sessions.
- Your choice of Cloud file sharing service, like Google Drive and Dropbox, for sharing your project work with us. We are particularly fond of, a great tool for note-taking and documentation.
Our Guarantee
We are so confident that you will achieve our Arduino Bootcamp for Teachers goal, that we are prepared to back our promise with a Guarantee.
If you complete the Bootcamp, have followed all of our instructions and completed all of the tasks as prescribed by our curriculum, but don't feel confident enough to teach it to your students, you are welcome to repeat the training with our next intake.
Please watch this video for a summary of the Bootcamp, and to learn more about the our Guarantee.
Bootcamp start dates and how to enroll
Our Bootcamps launch on the first Monday of every month.
If you are interested in the Relaxed Mode Bootcamp, you can start at any time and plan the duration of your training to fit with your schedule. Please get in touch (this link will take you to the Help Desk page) to discuss your requirements.
Before you book your training, please ensure that you have the required hardware to avoid interruptions resulting from not having the right parts when you need them.
The Jog Mode Bootcamp also requires a small amount of preparation work. You should allocate 1 hour prior to the Bootcamp Jog Mode start date to complete this work.
Can I get a refund?
The short answer is: No, unless you request it at least 7 working days prior to the starting date of your Bootcamp.
Unlike our self-paced courses, when you enroll to a Bootcamp you trigger a process that has a relatively high cost. Our instructors and other team members must allocate time to assist you. Their time, like yours, is valuable. Once we have provisioned them to you, it is costly to make changes.
Our infrastructure is also costly, and it is dedicated to serving Bootcamp participants before anyone else.
But the most important reason why we believe that Bootcamp refunds are not desirable is commitment. We want you to think carefully about the value of this training for you and your professional development, and once you commit, to complete it.
What if something happens beyond your control, and you can't complete it?
We understand that life can sometimes get in the way. In case of an emergency, please get in touch with us as soon as possible. We'd be more than happy to halt your Bootcamp and credit you all the work you have done up to that point. You will be able to continue with the rest of the training on a future Bootcamp.
Why use the Arduino in your teaching?
The Arduino has revolutionized STEM education. This single-board device is a multi-purpose tool that educators can use to teach a diverse array of cross-curriculum topics. Apart from programming and electronics, the Arduino provides excellent opportunities for learning mechanics, mathematics, music, game design, physics, humanities, science, geography, and so much more.
What makes the Arduino such a versatile educational tool is that it makes it possible for students to "projectize" almost any educational opportunity. The Arduino is the platform on which various kinds of devices can be brought together and programmed so that students can create a physical outcome of their learning that goes far beyond a typed report.
Imagine a student learning about the journeys of Ulysses. Instead of just writing a report, they can create an interactive light and sound show, which includes a visual representation of Ulysses's legendary journeys. In reaching this outcome, the student will learn much more than history. They create a storytelling artifact that encompasses all of their learning.

What will you learn?
In this bootcamp, you will learn basic programming skills in and how to use common components with the Arduino. With this knowledge, you will be able to guide your students through an impressive set of projects. Apart from the daily mini projects, you will also apply them on two more comprehensive major projects at the end of the bootcamp.
In total, you will work through:
- 16 mini projects
- 2 graduation projects
- 8 quizzes
- 33 lectures
A testimonial from a recent graduate
"In all, I recommend this class. In particular I recommend it if you have a basic understanding of electronics but may be a bit rusty. Do the words: LED, Diode, and Resistor have meaning to you? If you said yes then you passed that test. The same with programming skill, if you can form a single sentence that uses both the word “code” and the word “instruction” then you are ready.
It is worth the effort you put into it and you will be better prepared to introduce your students to programs the take information from, and act on, the world outside of the computer. And, it is fun."
- Robert Crawford, MBA, Eisenhower Middle School
Why not just enroll in Arduino Step by Step?
General hobbyist courses, like Arduino Step by Step, are excellent if you need to learn about how to use specific components so that you complete a gadget on which you are working.
Our statistics show that only 10% of people enrolled in a hobbyist course will complete it. That is true across the online education industry.For hobbyists, completion is not a required outcome.
When it comes to professional development learning, a hobbyist course is not the best option. The stakes are much higher. In professional development, not only the learner must complete the entire course, but this must be done in a timely fashion, and at a mastery level.
Unlike Arduino Step by Step, our Arduino Bootcamp for Teachers is the only course that guarantees that you will be able to teach Arduino to your students and that you will be able to do this after just a couple of weeks of concentrated and assisted study.
Do you need tools and components?
Yes. You will need a computer, an Arduino Uno, and a few simple components like resistors, LEDs, prototyping breadboards and wires.
A detailed list of those components is available here.
You can purchase these components from many online retailers, including Amazon.
To avoid delays in delivery that can impact your participation in the Bootcamp, please source these components well in advance of your Bootcamp start date.

How should you prepare?
To make the most out of your investment in this Bootcamp, you must be mindful of the following:
First, consider your environment. You will be entering a demanding learning program that will test you cognitively and psychologically. You must prepare yourself for it by making the necessary adjustments to your environment (especially family and work commitments).
Second, make room in your schedule. Each Bootcamp day, you will need to allocate between 1 and 3 hours to the various tasks (depending on the Bootcamp mode you have chosen). Each day you will need to complete and submit all assigned tasks before you can move to the next day. Tasks include watching a video lecture, submitting a quiz, working on a mini-project, and participating in live group or individual coaching sessions.
Third, you must consider the specific goals you which to achieve from the Bootcamp before you start. Do you want to design your own curriculum? Lead a team of STEM teachers at your school? Coordinate a local maker space? Such considerations will help you navigate your way through the Bootcamp so that you are much closer to your goal after graduation.
Is this Bootcamp right for you?
We have designed this Bootcamp for people who fit one of these descriptions:
- A STEM teacher who is planning to teach any course that uses the Arduino as a learning tool
- A person who wants to deliver Arduino training to their local maker club, library, or community
- A parent who wants to help their children with their STEM projects, science fair projects or similar activities
- A curriculum designer or decision maker who seeks an understanding of this technology before integrating it into their work
We do not assume that a Bootcamp participant will have any prior knowledge of electronics, programming and micro-controllers. However, we expect that they are able to use a computer with confidence, install applications, and use the Internet to conduct research.
Our main tool for communication is email. For video communication, we use Zoom, a very efficient way to conduct meetings with multiple participants, share annotated screens, and record our sessions so that participants have a complete record for their reference.
Before approving your entry application to the Bootcamp, we conduct a 30-minute online meeting to discuss your specific objectives from the Bootcamp and to ensure that we can meet your expectations.
Book a consultation
Not ready to start? Would you like to discuss your objectives first?
Book a 30-minute, obligation-free, call.
Are you ready?
Bootcamp Extension Project
Graduated from the Arduino Bootcamp?
Create something unique with the Bootcamp Extension Project
If you are a graduate of the Arduino Bootcamp for Teachers and Trainers, then this Bootcamp extension will give you the opportunity to work on a custom project of your choice, or through a series of challenging projects we have prepared for you.
The Arduino Bootcamp is designed to give you a specific set of skills and knowledge, based on a fixed curriculum. As a graduate, you can use these skills to teach Arduino in your class, or to integrate it as a teaching tool in your existing STEM curriculum.
The Extension Project is an opportunity to tackle a custom project.
This project can be anything you can imagine:
- An extension of the Bootcamp curriculum to include custom lessons.
- The development of custom experiments, based on the Arduino, that you can use in your class.
- The development of equipment that you can use in non-programming or electronics STEM activities (such as physics or chemistry experiments).
- The development of activities to assist teaching of non-STEM subjects, such as history and geography.
The possibilities are limitless.
How does it work?
You can choose to enrol to the Bootcamp Extension Project (BEP) before you start the core Arduino Bootcamp for Teachers and Trainers, or after.
Because the BEP is a program that is designed for your specific requirements, you must have a specific goal in mind: what do you want to have achieved when you complete this custom project?
The goal can broadly belong to one of these categories:
- The development of an Arduino gadget that performs at least one educational and functional goal.
- The development of a curriculum that extents the Arduino Bootcamp curriculum.
- The development a series of small experiments that are based on the Arduino and facilitate the teaching of STEM subjects. This may include our experiments from the Arduino Project course.
- The development of a large project that will be delivered to your students over a term.
Your Tech Explorations mentor will help you conquer your goal through live video calls, and daily interactions via our project management tool.
You will have a Bootcamp experience, but totally customised to helping you achieve your specific goal.
Extension project cost
The base fee for the BEP is US$799. This fee covers the cost of the initial consultation, in which your mentor will help you design the project, and three additional consultation meetings. Each meeting is approximately one hour long.
Depending on the complexity and scope of your project, this fee may be increased to cover for additional costs.
For example, if you want to develop a classroom datalogger for recording results from your physics experiments, the base fee can cover the development of a basic datalogger that stores data from one or two sensors on an SD card, and includes an LCD screen for monitoring.
But, if you wish to add Bluetooth wireless connectivity or battery power, this will extend the scope of the project and require an additional fee. When a base fee is increased to cover extended scope projects, the new fee includes additional consultation sessions with your mentor.
Three steps to launch
Sounds good? Here’s what to do next:
Once you have a goal for your extension project, discuss it with Peter in a free, 30 minute call.
In this meeting, we will ensure that your goal is compatible with what this extension project offer can deliver.
Before you enrol to BEP, you should spent some time to decide on your goal.
- Decide on your project scope. Write it down. Most important, be clear about the educational objectives (how will students use the project outcome to learn something), and the functional objectives (how will the project outcome work).
- Setup a consultation meeting with Peter. You can do this now. In this meeting we’ll discuss your project, its scope, and determine its feasibility.
- Assuming the meeting concludes with a “Good to Go” agreement, come back to this page and formally enrol.
- Let your mentor know about your preferred started and end date.
- Your mentor will setup your project in our project management tool.
- Create!
Need to know more about the Bootcamp Extension Project? Just ask! Click on the Discussion tab at the top of this page to leave your question, or raise a support ticket.
Last Updated 3 years ago.