

Highlight on the Tech Explorations guides and blog 

 September 15, 2023

By  Peter

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Did you know that our website contains more than 300 pages filled with top-quality content on technology and education topics free for all to access and read, on our website? These pages have been read almost 25,000 times over the last 30 days, and almost 400,000 times in the last year. And these pages do not include our blog. The blog contains news and technology “quick bite” content that been read 5,000 times last month.

I am constantly absorbed with creating content, and had not realised the reach of this content until I took a look at the statistics.

So in this week’s blog post, I decided to highlight some of the content that you can find on our website. I also want to acknowledge contributions of content that has appeared on our website from Maker’s of our community, and to invite you to contribute take on the challenge to write a new article and publish it on our website.

Here’s a quick statistic from our analytics. Traffic to our blog and guide pages over the last 30 days.

Traffic to the Blog and Guide pages

Considering that our website is not about getting rich quick, loosing weight, gossip, or “social networking”, but technology education, these numbers are solid. There seems to be a dip on the weekends, which I am surprised about. What do Tech Explorations website visitors do on the weekends?

Tech Explorations guides

On our guide pages collection, you will find articles on topics that are related to our courses. You will find content on Maker Education and STEM, lot’s of pages on Arduino topics and things like using input/output devices, programming techniques, displays, communications (this is a new series), and motors.

There are also pages on the ESP32 (including the most popular guide page ever on ESP32 power options), the Raspberry Pi, KiCad, Node-RED, MicroPython, and Oscilloscopes. Oh, there’s also a guide series on Blynk.

The guide page with the most consistent monthly views is “ESP32 dev kit power options“. This page alone is read by 4,500 people each month. Many of them leave comments behind, making it one of the most commented pages on our website. ESP32 guide pages also hold positions #2 and #3 of the most visited pages.

The most popular guide page on techexplorations.com

The most popular KiCad guide page is, to my surprise, the one showing how to copy text into VIM. This page gets around 1,000 views per month. After that we have a lot of pages in the ESP32, Arduino, KiCad, STEM and Tools categories that get around 500 views each, per month.


And then, there’s the blog (you are on it now!). This is where you’ll find news, offers, and educational content and podcast announcements. For example, last week I posted about the upcoming Node-RED + Raspberry Pi Pico W book that I am working on. This post received a lot of views and comments.

Three weeks ago I posted about Artificial Intelligence in Education. This post, less than a month since posting it, has received around 500 views.

I use the blog to post articles about thing that I learn, or small bits of “how-to” or “about” knowledge that I want to capture and share with you. For example, I have posted about PID controllers with the Arduino, Inline Assembly in Arduino sketches, Implementing Finite State Machines on Arduino Uno, and (my personal favorite), Arduino programming with AVR-C. I have a long list of pending blog posts on this type of topics. In each one I explores a single topic that is relevant to technologies that I am interested but I have not had the opportunity to look at in the past.

The blog is also a place where members of our community contributed. Recently, Jim Solderitsch made a post about his ESP32 + Tello drone project. Before that, Stephane Calderoni posted the results of his research on how to use a buzzer the correct way, challenging a common practice that most of us do not question. Contributions like these are very important because they bring forward topics that I will never be able to address myself. They benefit both the authors and the community at large. If you would like publish your project or tech-investigation, I encourage you to reach out; I will help you write a top-notch blog post and publish it on our site.

If you haven’t explored the Tech Explorations blog, please take a few minutes to do so. Start by using the link I have provided in this post to look at what is available.

Is there something you’d like me to write about?

Is there something you would like to write about?

Please use the comments tool below to propose topics and find out more details about being a Tech Explorations blog author.



Blog, Guides

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