
Kieran Nolan discusses Blockchain in education technology and financial literacy 

 September 11, 2024

By  Peter

In this episode, we reconnect with Kieran Nolan, a visionary educator and technologist, to discuss the latest developments in his groundbreaking project, the School of Bitcoin. Kieran, who has been instrumental in several innovative initiatives, shares the journey and evolution of this ambitious project since our last conversation a year ago.

Kieran begins by recounting his experiences at Warrana Park Public School, where he pioneered a unique learning space built from shipping containers. This space was designed to be student-centric, utilizing blockchain technology to empower students to vote on the allocation of donations. Unfortunately, the project faced a significant setback due to a robbery that resulted in the loss of valuable equipment and student work. Despite this, Kieran channeled his frustration into creating something even more impactful—a decentralized autonomous education system.

The School of Bitcoin aims to replicate the innovative learning environment of Warrana Park on a global scale, leveraging blockchain technology to ensure the security and ownership of educational content. Kieran explains how the project utilizes the Stacks blockchain, which builds on the Bitcoin network, to create a robust and secure digital and financial literacy education infrastructure. This approach not only preserves the work of educators and students but also ensures that it remains accessible and immutable.

Kieran highlights the core philosophy of the School of Bitcoin, which is rooted in self-directed and problem-based learning. Drawing from his experiences at Warrana Park, he emphasizes giving students autonomy and ownership of their learning. This philosophy is embedded in the School of Bitcoin's curriculum, designed to be open-ended and accessible anywhere.

One of the most exciting aspects of the School of Bitcoin is its integration of an economy within the educational system. Students and educators can receive monetary rewards for their contributions using NFT certificates and a stacking pool. This innovative approach incentivizes participation and provides funding for projects that address real-world problems.

Kieran also touches on his other projects, including Rocket Shoes, a platform that integrates blockchain technology with learning management systems, and Digital Playhouse, a charity focused on digital and financial literacy for at-risk individuals. He discusses the importance of these initiatives in providing the necessary skills for the future and how they complement the goals of the School of Bitcoin.

As we wrap up, Kieran shares his vision for the future of the School of Bitcoin and the steps needed to bring it to fruition. He invites listeners to join the community and participate in the ongoing development of this revolutionary educational platform.

Join us for an inspiring conversation with Kieran Nolan as we explore the intersection of education, technology, and blockchain and learn how the School of Bitcoin is poised to transform the way we learn and teach in the digital age.

Key moments

Significant Moments from the Tech Explosions Podcast with Daniel Kao

1. Introduction and Background (00:00 - 02:00)

   - Peter introduces the podcast and welcomes Kieran.

   - Kieran mentions the primary objective is to talk about the School of Bitcoin and other projects like Rocket Shoes.

2. School of Bitcoin Background (02:00 - 05:00)

   - Kieran discusses his previous work with Warana Park and the unfortunate robbery that led to the creation of the School of Bitcoin.

3. Robbery Incident (05:00 - 10:00)

   - Detailed account of the robbery at Warana Park, including the theft of high-end equipment and student projects.

4. Concept of Decentralized Autonomous Education System (10:00 - 15:00)

   - Kieran explains the idea of creating a decentralized autonomous education system inspired by the Warana Park experience.

5. Philosophy of Self-Directed Learning (15:00 - 20:00)

   - Discussion on the philosophy of self-directed learning and how it was implemented at Warana Park.

6. Enigma Missions (20:00 - 25:00)

   - Explanation of Enigma missions, self-directed learning projects that students could embark on for up to three years.

7. Stacks Blockchain Project (25:00 - 30:00)

   - Introduction to the Stacks blockchain project and its relevance to the School of Bitcoin.

8. Website and Community (30:00 - 35:00)

   - Mention of the Stacks website and the Australian community (stacksaud.org).

9. Rocket Shoes Integration (35:00 - 40:00)

   - Discussion on integrating Rocket Shoes technology with the School of Bitcoin for digital and financial literacy.

10. Google Classroom and IPFS (40:00 - 45:00)

    - Plan to use Google Classroom and IPFS for the School of Bitcoin's backend infrastructure.

11. Stacking Pool and NFT Certificates (45:00 - 50:00)

    - Explanation of the stacking pool and the use of NFT certificates for project funding and curriculum upgrades.

12. Podcasting 2.0 (50:00 - 55:00)

    - Introduction to Podcasting 2.0 and its benefits for content creators.

13. Alpha Hashrate Project (55:00 - 60:00)

    - Brief mention of the Alpha Hashrate project focused on green, immersion mining.

14. Digital Playhouse (60:00 - 65:00)

    - Kieran's involvement with Digital Playhouse, a charity for digital and financial literacy.

15. Closing Remarks (65:00 - 70:00)

    - Peter wraps up the podcast, highlighting the importance of Kieran's work in financial and technology literacy.

Resources and Tips

Here is a list of resources, tips, and advice mentioned by Kieran Nolan in the podcast:

- Stacks Website: Stacks

- Stacks Australia Community: stacksaud.org

- Rocket Shoes: rocketshoes.io

- Podcast Index: podcastindex.org

- Kieran's Website: kierannolan.com

- Digital Playhouse: digitalplayhouse.org.au

Tips and Advice

Here is a list of tips, and advice mentioned by Kieran Nolan in the podcast:

- Digital Literacy: Emphasized the importance of digital literacy for educators and students.

- Self-Directed Learning: Encouraged the adoption of self-directed learning models to empower students.

- Blockchain for Education: Highlighted the potential of blockchain technology to create secure, decentralized educational systems.

- Podcasting 2.0: Recommended using Podcasting 2.0 for content creators to ensure ownership and monetization of their work.

Transcript (edited)

This is an edited and shortened version of the full transcript to make it easier for you to read.

Peter: Well, good morning, Kieran. How are you today?

Kieran: Yeah, good, good. Thanks for having me. It's been about a year since our last podcast chat. A lot has happened since then. Today, we’ll talk about the latest developments around the School of Bitcoin, which I founded. I’ve attended a few meetings before my holidays, and I understand the project is growing. We’ll catch up on what’s new, and also discuss other projects like Rocket Shoes.

Peter: Sounds good. So, give us the background on the School of Bitcoin.

Kieran: Previously, I was working with Warana Park, a school on the blockchain. We built a student-centric learning space out of shipping containers, using blockchain for kids to vote on donations. Unfortunately, we had a robbery where thieves stole all the kids' stuff, including a 3D printer project that a particularly engaged student had worked on. It was heartbreaking. After that, I channeled my energy into something positive and started writing a white paper on creating a decentralized autonomous education system. The idea was to make the learning experience we developed accessible to everyone. The central point is financial literacy, akin to what we did with cryptocurrencies and blockchain. The concept involves problem and project-based learning, allowing students to choose how and what they want to learn. This philosophy was inspired by Warana Park’s self-directed learning approach, which empowered students from prep to year six. The Enigma missions, self-directed learning projects, were a key element. Students took ownership of their learning, even teaching their own classes. This foundation led to socially conscious projects, like feeding homeless people. The School of Bitcoin aims to replicate this on a larger scale, using blockchain for security and accessibility.

Peter: Just to clarify, is this still at Warana Public School, or is your white paper open-ended?

Kieran: It’s open-ended. The idea is to create an online system with open participation, incorporating digital literacy and financial literacy. The philosophy of self-directed learning and student empowerment from Warana Park is central. The school’s approach allowed students to engage deeply with their interests, leading to mature, socially conscious projects. The School of Bitcoin aims to capture these elements and make them accessible to everyone. We’re using blockchain technology to ensure security and ownership of work, preventing issues like the theft we experienced. The project is still evolving, but the goal is to create a decentralized, autonomous education system that empowers learners globally.

Peter: So, the School of Bitcoin also has an economy, right?

Kieran: Yes, it includes a stacking pool that generates yield in Bitcoin. Learners can submit projects and potentially receive funding through the Lightning Network. This supports problem-based learning and helps projects gain traction. We’re also using NFT certificates for authentication and upgrading the curriculum. The idea is to create a dynamic, evolving learning environment where students can contribute and improve the system. The School of Bitcoin leverages blockchain for security, ownership, and financial support, aiming to create a sustainable, decentralized education system.

Peter: Is the project mature enough for a demonstration?

Kieran: It’s still early days. We have the stacking pool and NFT certs, but we need to integrate Google Classroom with IPFS and Hero for authentication. This will take some development work. We’re working on it and hope to have a demo soon. The project is complex, involving new technologies and ideas, but we’re making progress. We aim to provide a tool for educators to teach in a way that’s secure, accessible, and empowering for students.

Peter: What other projects are you working on?

Kieran: I’m involved in several projects. Bitcoin Aggregated is a podcast aggregating weekly news about Bitcoin. We also have Bitcoin Australia meetups, which are tri-brid events combining physical spaces, VR, and Zoom. Another project is Alpha Hashrate, focusing on green Bitcoin mining using immersion cooling. Lastly, I’m on the board of Digital Playhouse, a charity promoting digital and financial literacy. The School of Bitcoin is now a project under Digital Playhouse. We’re working on various initiatives to support education and literacy using blockchain technology.

Peter: That’s impressive. I look forward to seeing a demo of the School of Bitcoin. Your work in financial and technology literacy is essential. Thank you for sharing.

Kieran: Thank you. I appreciate the opportunity to discuss these projects. We’re excited about the potential impact and look forward to sharing more as we progress.