KiCad 6 Guide series

KiCad 6 and FreeCAD install conflicts workaround in Linux

My late night musings on this topic, mostly documented already.

From my “Install New Linux and All Apps from Scratch” personal documents.

Written by Wally Kalnins (AKA Quasar9)


FreeCAD – do NOT attempt normal install.

It will crash KiCAD and mess up the PC filing system really, really badly. That wrong way will corrupt file dependencies in the cruelest way possible, needing a complete PC Linux rebuild to clean up the mess.

WooHoo !!! *** Found a way to install FreeCAD using SNAP. See details below.

ONLY to be done using terminal command line:

This will take some time to complete, possibly 30 minutes.

sudo apt update
apt install snapd
snap install core
snap install freecad

When FreeCAD is first installed, its desktop icon cannot be found in System menus. Just re-boot, then the FreeCAD icon should appear in System menus and can be placed on the desktop.

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Last Updated 12 months ago.

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